What Are The Signs And Consequences Of Doomscrolling?

Apr 18, 2022 | Mental Health

You’re taking a break from your work, studying, etc. and nowadays, whenever we take a break, we always go to our phones and scroll down to our feeds. Unfortunately, there has been an accident or any negative news that has happened recently, which led you to see it on your timeline. Being the curious person you are, you continued to scroll through the news, read more information, and find new information about this. Unknowingly, it has been minutes to hours since just reading and finding information about this unpleasant news. But you just can’t stop yourself from reading these, despite their disheartening and depressing effects on you. Well, you’re doomscrolling. Yes, there’s a name for that. It is called “Doomscrolling.”



What Is Doomscrolling?


“Doomscrolling is essentially an avoidance technique used to cope with anxiety, so wherever you are vulnerable to anxiety, doomscrolling can become an unhealthy coping mechanism.”

says Megan E. Johnson, a licensed clinical psychologist and researcher specializing in trauma and brain-behavioral relationships. 


Doomscrolling is when you mindlessly consume distressing news or stories even though you’re aware that they are causing discomfort to you, and these stories can vary from news articles, social media posts, to other content-sharing platforms. Doomscrolling can also be seen as coming from a fear of missing out. 




What Are The Signs That You Are Doomscrolling?



There’s no other way to combat doomscrolling than being aware of the signs that you’re already about to doomscroll. 

  1. You usually spend several minutes, if not hours, reading online posts or stories.
  2. It’s upsetting. What you read is already upsetting you, but you’re still unaware of it.
  3. You’re not aware of how you got there, not even of how you got your phone, and therefore not aware of why you are reading such things.
  4. You’re getting afraid of missing out on information.
  5. You’re only looking for and hoping to get good news already, which only leads you to scroll more of the unpleasant news.



What Are the Consequences of Doomscrolling for Our Mental Health?


“And ironically, the very things doomscrolling can rob you of—healthy sleep, meaningful social interactions, fulfilling work, and hobbies—are also the things we know are most supportive of our mental well-being. So it becomes a vicious cycle.” 

Megan E. Johnson, a licensed clinical psychologist and researcher specializing in trauma and brain-behavioral relationships. 


Other than what Megan E. Johnson, a clinical psychologist said, here are some other consequences for our mental health that we may face whenever we doomscrolling:

  1. It can trigger our negative emotions. 
  2. It makes us more prone to negative overthinking.
  3. It only leads to more stress. (Yes, you scroll through your social media to relax, but because of doomscrolling, you just end up more stressed.)
  4. It only causes more anxiety since more and more distressing information is coming.
  5. You’re not informed anymore, but only consumed. Consumed by all the information overload. 


Now that we have named one of your habits, it is time to realize what you are doing and start taking a break. If it’s draining you already, you’re definitely doomscrolling. Remember that you also need to take a break from all the negative news around us. It is right to be informed and aware, but it is always better to prioritize your mental health over anything else. 


If you find yourself overly affected by your doomscrolling, do not hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional, like us.


Shirley Therapeutic and Consulting Services, LLC is a diverse therapy clinic that can meet the needs of anyone. If you’d like to talk about your mental health, feel free to message us here.






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