“How could normally rational and peaceful people become so driven by national ideologies, so intent on killing, so ready to die?“
– Erich Fromm (Humanistic Psychoanalysis) on the Irrationalities of World War I
We’ve been seeing in our everyday news all the wars that are happening around the world. And these wars have a catastrophic effect not only on the physical well-being of everyone but also on their mental health and well-being. Death has been just the “tip of the iceberg” of the results of wars. The other consequences of war are not actually well documented. These include poverty, malnutrition, disability, and mental health problems.
In light of the current events, let us learn more about the mental health consequences of war in this modern world.
Facing stigma
Stigmatized not only for the effects of being brought from a war zone, but also for those who developed mental health problems. The effects of these are little to no family and community acceptance as refugees, at the same time having significant barriers to accessing not only physical care but also mental health care.
Of course, this does not revolve around civilian individuals only, but also military soldiers. Most of the time, they are the victims of negative self-talk, which leads to self-stigma, which leads to low self-esteem and motivation to seek help.
Having a mental disturbance and a lack of coping mechanisms.
Wars have triggered mental disturbances or feelings of being upset in individuals affected by them. Facing these, they also had a hard time coping with these disturbances. The current coping mechanisms they usually use, such as keeping busy all the time, have sometimes become ineffective already. As a result, they have no choice but to confront or accept these disruptions as part of their daily lives.
Having psychological distress.
A study conducted among Lebanese hostages of war found that psychological distress was present for most of them.
Psychological distress is the term used to describe unpleasant and overwhelming feelings or emotions that affect one’s level of functioning. High levels of this indicate a mental health problem that may result in common mental disorders like depression and anxiety disorders.
Develop mental health disorders.
Depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders are the most common mental health disorders developed by victims of war.
People diagnosed with depression do not only feel sad. Clinically significant depression shows symptoms of persistent sadness, a depressed mood, diminished interest in previously enjoyable activities, and other symptoms that interfere with the ability to function in daily life.
For those with anxiety disorders, these are serious mental illnesses that are marked by the cause of significant worry or fear that doesn’t go away and may even get worse over time. You can learn more about this by checking out this article we wrote about stress, fear, and anxiety.
And the most common mental health disorder developed by victims of war is post-traumatic stress disorder. Of course, victims of war are exposed to experiencing traumatic events, which makes them more vulnerable to developing this mental health illness. The most common symptoms of this include flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, avoidance, and changes in mood and thinking.
At the end of the day, we all ask what Erich Fromm asks. After everything that is happening in and because of war, we end up asking, “Why and how?” How could normally rational and peaceful people like us become so driven by national ideologies, so intent on killing, so ready to die? Yes, we all just want to fight for our nation, but do we have to get to the point of dying, killing, or even just hurting each other?
If you know anyone suffering from the effects of war (such as trauma, depression, anxiety, and others), do not hesitate to seek help from mental health professionals like us at STACS.
Shirley Therapeutic and Consulting Services, LLC is a diverse therapy clinic that can meet the needs of anyone. If you’d like to talk about your mental health, feel free to message us here.