How to Love Yourself Using the 5 Self-Love Languages?

Sep 19, 2022 | Self

Self-love is a term that is often used interchangeably with self-care. However, self-love goes beyond simply taking care of oneself. It is a state of mind in which one values and respects oneself. It is an act of accepting oneself, flaws and all. It is a way of showing oneself compassion and understanding.

Knowing your self-love language is essential for maintaining healthy wellbeing. It is important to remember that we all express and feel love differently and that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to love someone or yourself. So, if you’re not sure what your self-love language is, take the time to find out. Learn more about self-love language below.


Words of Affirmation as your Self-Love Language, self love language

What are the 5 Self-Love Languages?

Self-Love Language is just the same as “love language”, but with this, it is all about yourself. It is about what you want to give and receive from yourself instead of what you want to receive from others.

The five self-love languages are acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and receiving gifts. Each of these languages can be a way to show love to yourself.

To practice the 5 self-love languages, you can start by identifying which language speaks to you the most. Once you know your primary language, you can start finding ways to show yourself love in that way. 


How to Love Yourself Using the 5 Love Languages


Words of Affirmation as your self-love language, self love languageActs of service

Acts of service is a love language that is all about showing love to yourself through your actions. This can be done by cooking for yourself, doing your own laundry, taking care of yourself when you don’t feel well, or even seeking therapy from us. It is about doing things for yourself that make you feel good or make life easier for you.


Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are just what they sound like- words that affirm or show someone that you love yourself. One way to show yourself love through words of affirmation is to compliment yourself. This could be something as simple as saying “I did a great job today” or “I’m really proud of myself for _____”. Another way to show yourself love through words of affirmation is to write yourself a letter using our amazing journal. In this letter, you can list all the things you love about yourself. This is a great way to remind yourself of all the amazing qualities you have.


Quality Time

Quality time is all about giving yourself your undivided attention. It means making time for yourself and being present in the moment. This love language is about being there for yourself and letting yourself know that you are your priority.

You can practice quality time as your self-love language by doing something you enjoy by yourself. This could be going for a walk in nature, reading your favorite book, or taking a yoga class. Something that allows you to relax and recharge. Another way to show yourself love through quality time is to spend time with people who make you feel good. This could be your best friend, your family, or your partner. Surround yourself with people who make you feel loved and supported.


Physical Touch

Physical Touch as your Self-Love Language, self love language

Physical touch is all about physical affection, such as skin care, hugging, and exercise. This love language is all about doing things that make your body feel good and focusing on your physical well-being. Long showers are a great way to physically express your love for yourself. Another way to show yourself love through physical touch is to give yourself a massage. This could be a foot massage, a back massage, or a full body massage. Something to help you relax and feel good in your body.


Receiving Gifts

Receiving gifts is the final love language. This does not mean that you have to buy yourself expensive gifts, but it does mean that you should show yourself that you are thinking of yourself too. This can be done with a simple card, a small gift, or even just a handwritten note.

A way to show yourself love through gifts is to buy yourself something you’ve been wanting. This could be a new piece of clothing, a new book, or a new piece of jewelry, something to treat yourself with. Another way to show yourself self-love through gifts is to do something special for yourself. This could be making yourself a special dinner, taking yourself on a weekend getaway, or getting a manicure or pedicure. Something to make you feel pampered and loved.


So, which self-love language do you think is the one for you? All of them are important and great in their own way, but it is up to you to decide which one is the most important to you. Use the 5 love languages to appreciate yourself, and you will be sure to feel the love! 


If you’re having trouble finding your self-love language, we can help you. Shirley Therapeutic and Consulting Services, LLC is a diverse therapy clinic that can meet the needs of anyone. If you’d like to talk about your mental health, feel free to message us here. 

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